Interviews/speaking engagements:



JOSE CASDA is the creator and host of UNLOCKURSELF: "the power of your story,” a YouTube/podcast channel that helps individuals to l Think Different l Learn Success l Work to Inspire. He is also the Founder of the popular clothing brand, UNLOCKURSELF

By demand, JOSE CASDA is an international public speaker that gives talks on life lessons, personal growth, self-empowerment, entrepreneurship and corporate education on human leadership.

He gives credit for the build-up and success of his projects to co-editor Joanna Urbina and brand manager Jim Wilson for their invaluable input and professionalism; to his most loving wife, confidant and best friend whom without her continuous patience, support, and insight he would have never started his dream: to improve lives and future generations; and lastly but not least to the selflessness love, teachings and guidance of his parents whom without their hard examples, lessons, dedicated time and repeated storytelling helped him to continue to move forward and formulate common sense solutions to daily life problems. 

Born and raised in Southern California to Mexican-immigrant parents, he learned the value of hard work and honest labor in a very diverse culture. Proud of his dual heritage and life challenges, JOSE CASDA comes from a diverse background lifting himself from racism and repeatedly being put down through the years by school educators, corporate leaders and even family members all stating that he was no good (since the age of five years old to college years and beyond).

He is characterized as a connector, a steward of continuous learning, action driven, a transcendent of minds surpassing differences, a people’s person and more. JOSE CASDA is a strong believer of what he calls grow your human understanding, empowering individuals through both knowledge and experience, and bringing people together as one to share lessons learned through the means of storytelling- an approach practiced and taught by both his parents. 

JOSE CASDA believes in sharing success with others & holds this as one of the key principles to being a human. He is known to work tirelessly interviewing individuals from all walks of life -by their own definition & merit- that have overcome life struggles. JOSE CASDA gives light to their personal lessons learned and in turn provides context to help individuals in need of “a guiding friend” with the purpose that others may too one day benefit and learn to overcome their own personal struggles in life as he once did
