YouTube/Podcast Channel

Podcast Highlights

UNLOCKURSELF: the power of your story highlights the lives of everyday individuals from all walks of life who have struggled through their own journey whom share how they benefited from the power of their story to overcome challenges and how it helped them to find success. The setting is structured in a non-traditional, non-politically correct dialogue platform that introduces individuals from all backgrounds, and by their own definition and right, have reached the pinnacle of success be that through achieving a life goal, life balance, peace, happiness, wealth and/or social status.

Podcast Benefits:  

lessons they diDN'T teach you in school!

Have you ever wondered, I graduated from school and yet I feel lost about life; what's next? I have a degree in blank and and I yet feel stuck? Luckily, you are not alone. Millions of students are in the same place you are, but sadly by design. For the first time in history, now more than ever before, traditional school value versus usefulness is being questioned; especially from those receiving higher education. The question of time, cost and actual value is considered.  As a response, this platform highly values lessons learned outside the traditional educational system and understands that there are many life lessons not taught in school. UNLOCKURSELF centers on learning from everyday successful hard working achieving individual's failures and deceptions; "learn what doesn't work and figure out what does; and just do that!"- Jose Casda. UNLOCKURSELF helps individuals solve life problems with an experience learned-common sense response, hence: "the lessons school never taught you and never will!"
